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A Global Movement

MAROM works to enrich and inspire Jewish young adults with meaningful Jewish experiences, through short and long term programs in Israel and around the world.

A look inside the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem

The Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem provides students of all ages and backgrounds with the opportunity to encounter classical Jewish texts in an inclusive, supportive, and intellectually rigorous manner.

Conservative Yeshiva graduates gain the knowledge, confidence and inspiration to be lifelong learners, thoughtful practitioners, and difference-making leaders in their local Jewish communities and beyond.

Experience BCI

BCI is an intensive experience in Jewish learning, arts, culture, and community offered every summer to Jewish young adults from around the world, ages 20 to 29. Combining programmatic concepts adapted from Danish Folk High School (expressing one’s identity and culture through the creative arts) and the Israeli Kibbutz (the dignity of physical labor and sharing responsibility for the community) set in the context of the American overnight summer camp.

BCI is a 26-day exploration of self and Judaism within a safe, pluralistic community, bringing together young Jews from all over the world with some of our people’s most compelling, talented scholars and artists to experience the multifaceted aspects of Jewish life and culture.

Immersive Jewish Experiences


Exclusive two-week winter break experience for North American college students to study at the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem.


This program is designed for those looking to connect more deeply to Judaism and become a more empowered Jew; seeking peers who are passionate about Torah and Jewish practice, while sharing a commitment to inclusiveness, egalitarianism, and social justice; who want to infuse their campus Jewish life with more spirit and authentic, sophisticated content.


Thanks to the generosity of multiple partners, Ta’amu participants pay a single highly subsidized fee* ($500 for the 2018-19 program) for housing, tuition, some meals, day-trips, a Shabbaton (weekend retreat).

*Reimbursement of airfare is up to $1300, rates differ depending on the origin of the flight. This program is located in Jerusalem, Israel


BCI is an immersive experience in Jewish learning, arts, culture, and community offered every summer to Jewish young adults from around the world, ages 20 to 29.  Step out of your comfort zone, discover your creative voice, and celebrate living at BCI. 


Through experiential learning, BCIers explore who they are, what it means to be Jewish in the 21st century, and what kind of community they want to help build.  Embark on a journey of discovery alongside a loving, supportive, and pluralistic community.  The friends made at BCI will accompany you for a lifetime.  

This program is located in Simi Valley, California USA


Nishma is a summer program where students immerse themselves in Torah learning, cultivating the skills to  access classical Jewish sources: Talmud, Midrash, halakhah, Hebrew, and parshanut (Torah and its commentaries). The program is split into two four-week sessions. Students can elect to participate in either session or both.


Note: Nishma 2021 courses will be online. 


Session A: June 1-July 1

Session B: July 6-August 5


This program is located in New York, New York USA

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